看源码 得到第三部分flag:_g0rg0n} 第一个框的按钮调用的是mirror()方法,跟进一下 输入suesrep返回Medusa's weakness is her reflection! She will turn her gaze at the 30th minute minus 2.美杜莎的弱点是她的倒影!她将把目光转向第 30 分钟减去 2。 等到28分 页面下面有段密文 这句话的意思是第二部分的flag是th3 最终 nicc{sl4y_th3_g0rg0n}
进去一登录框 有注入 直接 admin 1"or"1"="1 就登进去了 查看源码得到<!-- back-in-time flag part 1 of 3: "nicc{nBUE2hG" --> 在/[travel](路由源码得到 <!-- back-in-time flag part 2 of 3: "meTQRbL" --> 访问/status路由时 nicc{nBUE2hGmeTQRbLcijueiF}
Cast into the inferno’s depths, souls languish in perpetual torment, with no reprieve from the hellfire’s embrace. Yet whispers endure of a realm_key, a legendary artifact able to traverse the boundaries between worlds, offering a glimmer of salvation. The question that burns as fiercely as the flames themselves: do you possess the courage to seek it? Find flag.txt and submit the flag in the format flag nicc{flag}
flag在flag.txt hint:The Keeper's Riddle last line 发现文件读取 /explore.php?file=/realm_key/flag.txt